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Current year:


Events without listed years are given only in a general chronological ordering; any ordering with dated events is only tentative. All dated events are given with reference to Factol Hashkar rather than the proper factol of their time period, for ease of reading.

  • The previous multiverse is destroyed, with the leShay the only survivors.
  • Draedens exist in the "space" later to hold the multiverse.
  • The planes are first formed.
  • The baernaloths, one of five primal forces representing the five basic foundations of belief (Good, Evil, Law, Chaos, and Neutrality), come forth within the Grey Waste.
  • The yugoloths are created by the baernaloths.
  • The River Styx grows from a minor trickle through the Lower Planes to a full-fledged planar path.
  • Apomps, trying to duplicate the creation of the yugoloths, inadvertently forms the gehreleths. Because of this failure, Apomps and his creations are exiled to Carceri.
  • The Heart of Darkness is created by the General of Gehenna, the first ultraloth.
  • The influx of law and chaos purged by the Heart of Darkness is channeled into the larvae of the Grey Waste. These larvae are herded to Baator and the Abyss, forming the first baatorians and tanar'ri.
    • Some stories claim that the tanar'ri are in fact creations of the obyriths, not the ultraloths, but of course records from this time are more unconfirmable stories than anything.
  • The archomentals are formed from the Elemental Planes.
  • Obox-ob declares himself the most powerful of all Abyssal beings, taking on the title Prince of Demons. With this act, a great power becomes mystically associated with the title, a power coveted by many throughout history.
  • Aboleths arise as the first known intelligent mortal race in existence by Piscaethces, a dweller of the Far Realm, as a side effect of contact between her body and the Material Plane, at a point, according to their racial memory, before the rise of the powers. They form great empires across a number of Prime worlds, empires which fall soon after the first powers come about. Many of the present-day amphibious races were formed as a result of their experimentations.
  • A major, still-unidentified upheaval in the planar fabric leads the Inner Planes to shift from their original configuration into the configuration known to people today. Among other changes, Steam shifts from the para-elemental plane between Fire and Water to the quasi-elemental plane between Water and Positive, and Dust shifts from the para-elemental plane between Air and Earth to the quasi-elemental plane between Earth and Negative.
  • ~Hashkar -1000000 - Turaglas, one of the first and oldest tanar'ri, is spawned. He still lives today, once the ruler of the 32nd layer of the Abyss, though he has since been imprisoned by Demogorgon and XXXXXX in the void between planes. Their alliance then proceeded to kill all cultists of Turaglas across the multiverse and destroyed all written record of his existence, and little knowledge of him survives today.
  • The first powers come into existence.
  • The baatezu gain total ownership of their planes over the baatorians some time after their fall from grace.
  • ~Hashkar -995000 - The Queen of Chaos begins seeking allies for her crusade against the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, powerful lawful scions of elemental air, to little effect at first. With her first efforts, few fall in line, only to fall to her ire; she imprisons Cabiri within the Wells of Darkness, seals away Ubothar and Vroth-Khun outside the Abyss, and slays Bechard. Finally, she murders Obox-ob, Prince of Demons, when he refuses to join her in her war. She proceeds to bestow the title Prince of Demons upon her servant, the tanar'ri lord Miska the Wolf-Spider, and the other obyrith lords quickly fall into line as a result, but for Dagon.
  • Petitioners begin arriving from the Prime, and fiends soon discover that those arriving in their own planes can be twisted into new fiends, allowing their numbers to grow for the first time since their creation.
  • The preliminary skirmishes that eventually lead to the Blood War begin when a party of baatezu explorers set out from Baator, encountering first the "weak-willed" and "foolish" yugoloths before pressing through Carceri to the Abyss, resulting in a mass slaughter. A group of tanar'ri set out at almost the same time, also briefly encountering the yugoloths before reaching Baator, where things proceed similarly.
  • ~Hashkar -990000 - The Queen of Chaos's army, consisting of numerous obyrith lords cowed into fighting alongside her, are defeated by the Wind Dukes on the Prime world later known as Oerth through the aid of the artifact of their own creation, the Rod of Seven Parts (then known as the Rod of Law). This conflict between the philosophies of law and chaos in this battle are believed by some to be the historical origins for the Blood War.
  • Following the defeat of the Queen of Chaos, the obyrith alliance breaks apart. Taking advantage of their weakened state, a host of ghaele knights under orders from Queen Morwel strike against them upon the Plain of Infinite Portals. Simultaneously, the tanar'ri take the opportunity to rebel from their masters. The combined forces succeeded in overcoming the obyriths, purging their influence from the plane, while the tanar'ri easily managed afterwards to clear out the eladrin forces from the Abyss. One of the major victories against them involved a trick by Pale Night that resulted in the consignment of an entire generation of eladrin children to entrapment within Androlynne.
  • With the capture of Miska the Wolf-Spider, the tanar'ri lord Demogorgon takes the title Prince of Demons. Other Princes of the Abyss begin to appear. Though some are initially deposed, they soon set up hierarchies of forms and powers amongst the tanar'ri, so as to encourage infighting and reduce the chances of a true foe.
  • ~Hashkar -990000 - The Blood War begins.
  • The baernaloths withdraw from their positions as rulers of the yugoloths, leaving little evidence of their former existence.
  • The earliest records presently accessible to mortals begin to appear.
  • The Mask of the Pit gambit is attempted.
  • Bel is given command of the armies of Avernus, after the extraordinarily successful Four-Cross.
  • The baatezu and tanar'ri begin exploring the planes outside the scope of the Blood War, discovering various portals and paths far beyond their home planes.
  • The celestials marshal forces to send against the fiends, in an attempt at wiping them out. A combined army of all the celestial races millions strong is sent into the Lower Planes, and though initially successful as both types of fiends are forced into a two-front war, the baatezu and tanar'ri soon join forces to fight against the celestial armies as one. They are defeated, though it is a vicious battle. According to the fiends, within a week the celestial forces were nearly wiped out to a man; the celestials of course claim otherwise.
  • Following their defeat, a schism forms amongst the celestials as to how to deal with the fiendish threat. Though this of course does not lead to outright warfare, it does lead to a great deal of ill will between the archons and eladrin even to this day, the metering presence of the guardinals often the only thing allowing relations to continue between the races at all.
  • Though the evil powers initially begin aiding the fiends in the Blood War, after the death of one of the first gods of chaos to move into the fight, they largely withdraw, helping only through their proxies if helping at all.
  • ~Hashkar -100000 - The "Ancestors", an early intelligent mortal race, first begins spreading throughout the Prime Material Plane, colonizing a number of worlds, and transporting from world to world the primitive seeds of what would eventually become the various intelligent humanoid races of the Prime.
  • ~Hashkar -70000 - The "Ancestors" are believed to have vanished by this time.
  • Tiamat is exiled from Io's court and arrives in Avernus.
  • ~Hashkar -36000 - The sarrukh empires, one of the first recorded major races in any world's history, arise on the continent of Faerun on the planet of Toril. Primitive humans are also recorded as existing by this time on Toril; elves and dwarves have not yet arrived from their non-Torilian homeworlds.
  • ~Hashkar -34000 - The illithid emerge from unknown origins, and are soon to found an empire that within but a few millennia crosses over most all the Prime Material plane, as well as touching upon the Outer Planes. The empire grows so large that for a time, the Blood War even pauses, as the fiends looked on upon this rapidly-ascending race as a potential threat to their existence.
  • ~Hashkar -30000 - Kiaransalee slays the entire population of the world of Threnody and becomes a demigoddess.
  • ~Hashkar -29000 - The succubi appear, the first tanar'ri to spontaneously manifest from the Abyss itself rather than being twisted from larvae. The War of Ripe Flesh commences soon after, in which numerous succubi whose names are now lost to time gather their resources and battle amongst one another for superiority. It ends after a short few years with only four surviving major succubi forces, nearly evenly-matched with one another over the next millennia.
  • The mortal that would become XXXXXX is born upon the Prime, becoming a larvae and eventually a true tanar'ri upon his death.
  • The future demon lord Graz'zt is born to Pale Night and an unknown father; according to various rumors, Set, a baernaloth, or Asmodeus.
  • ~Hashkar -26000 - The elder elves accidentally open a breach into the Far Realm, forming the first open passage between that dimension and this multiverse.
  • ~Hashkar -17000 - Rebellion of the Inferiors - the most significant baatezu rebellion, an entire settlement of lesser baatezu rose up against their superiors and fell to chaos in response to seeded urgings by the tanar'ri during a low period of morale. This rebellion was quashed by the Dark Eight within months.
  • Active recruiting by the fiends on the Prime becomes even more prominent, with both baatezu and tanar'ri trying to lure mortals over to their outlooks in life, so as to bring more petitioners to their planes in death.
  • The great wars between Demogorgon, XXXXXX, and Graz'zt begin, the breadth of which nearly match the Blood War at times. These wars persist up to the present day, despite the occasional absence of one of these three figures.
  • ~Hashkar -16000 - The illithid empire breaks up after the rebellion of Gith and Zerthimon. The Pronouncement of Two Skies follows soon after, when Gith turns against Zerthimon over a difference of opinion on what to do with their emancipated race. Zerthimon is slain in the battle, and the former slaves divide in two; those that followed Gith become planar nomads, while those that followed Zerthimon establish themselves in the plane of Limbo, eventually becoming known as the githzerai. The gith pirates of wildspace form at some point around this time, but the details of that subrace's formation are unknown.
  • First significant planar travel by mortals begins.
  • Discovery of the Astral Plane by the nomads of Gith as a result of a failed planar transit. The nomads decide to settle here, eventually becoming the githyanki.
  • Gith vanishes after her journey into Baator, though not before establishing the treaty between the githyanki and Tiamat. Vlaakith I is soon after crowned the second queen of the githyanki race.
  • ~Hashkar -15500 - The second fiendish Age of Exploration, including the first discovery of Sigil.
  • The only near-successful attempt at displacing the Lady of Pain from her rule of Sigil is made by a mortal mage; though this attempt ultimately failed, the Lady herself was missing from the city for weeks after the conflict, assumedly recovering from the strain. The mage that attempted this coup was imprisoned in the depths of Pandemonium for his efforts.
  • ~Hashkar -15000 - The earliest dated local records on Oerth; the arrival of the valley elves to the Vale of the Mage.
  • Hashkar -14508 - The beginning of the King's Age calendar on the prime world of Athas. At the time, only halflings are recorded as an intelligent race on Athas.
  • Hashkar -13383 - Athas becomes a desert with the end of the Blue Age. Other races arise on Athas at this time, including humans.
  • ~Hashkar -11000 - The drow are banished to the Underdark of the various Prime realms as a result of the war between Lolth and Corellon Larethian.
  • A massive portal the size of a tenement opens from a Blood War battlefield to the Hive Ward in Sigil, bringing with it massive numbers of baatezu and tanar'ri in the midst of fighting. The portal remains only for a few days before receding, the two forces departing with it for the most part, but the damage caused by the spill-over remains to this day in the form of the Slags, as well as the tanar'ri creation known as the Kadyx.
  • The Lady of Pain begins Mazing people, rather than trapping their essences in black soul crystals in the lowest layer of Pandemonium.
  • ~Hashkar -10000 - The aphancts disappear from Mechanus, and the inevitables appear in their place.
  • ~Hashkar -10000 - Shekelor makes his ultimately-failed attempt at dethroning the Lady of Pain from Sigil, using the aid of the mage that tried such eons hence. He vanishes mysteriously after his attempt.
  • ~Hashkar -9950 - Shekelor reappears in the midst of the City Courts of Sigil, and spontaneously combusts immediately thereafter.
  • ~Hashkar -9250 - The first intelligent races, ogres, arise on the world of Krynn, forming great empires over the mountains of the world. Over the next 500 years, elves arise, followed by humans.
  • Garat, an elemental cleric of Athas, becomes the first of the ruvoka.
  • Hashkar -5756 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • ~Hashkar -5700 - The Syllix Emirate, later known as the Chitin Empire, first forms in the Prime, two of its subject races - the thri-kreen and the elves - later to be significant forces. At its height, the Syllix Emirate controls more than 20 crystal spheres, includes in its numbers 25 spacefaring and over 100 ground-based races, and has a total population of over ten billion.
  • Hashkar -5467 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -5337 - The first appearance of the arcane in the Prime and the mercane upon the planes.
  • Hashkar -5178 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -4889 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -4873 - The god Aoskar is slain by the Lady of Pain and his high temple is destroyed, after the defection of a dabus to his priesthood. Four portals in Sigil vanish in the aftermath of this incident.
  • Hashkar -4600 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • ~Hashkar -4500 - The Ennead first manifests from the Kemet people on a single Prime world, although the details of their first manifestation or apotheosis are shrouded in the depths of history. This pantheon eventually spreads to many Prime worlds, including the homeworld of the Mulan people and, from there, Toril, where they come to be known as the Mulhorandi.
  • Hashkar -4373 - The four portals that vanished following the death of Aoskar reappear for a period of two months before vanishing once more. The dwarf Fargullen steps through one in the Lower Ward, but does not return before the portals vanish once more.
  • Hashkar -4311 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -4022 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -3944 - Battle of Magh Ithe: Beginning of the Fomorian invasion in the lands later known as Tir Na Nog, lasting for 10 years against the then-natives the Partholonians.
  • ~Hashkar -3900 - The Chitin Empire begins to fall apart with the successful independence of the thri-kreen. Upon the collapse of the Chitin Empire, the Thri-Kreen Empire takes its place if not its breadth, generally thought to be a far more benevolent entity.
  • Hashkar -3873 - The four missing portals reappear once more for another two months; their regular pattern gains them the nickname blinks. Fargullen reemerges through the Lower Ward portal, now known as the Second Door, speaking dire prophecies of a future age regarding Aoskar, the Lady, and the fate of Sigil, before being flayed by the Lady herself.
  • Hashkar -3733 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -3654 - Extinction of the Partholonians due to plague.
  • Hashkar -3444 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • ~Hashkar -3400 - The rise of the Al'Malamut Empire, a theocracy of the Kemet devoted to Ptah and the first significant human spacefaring nation.
  • Hashkar -3373 - The blinks reappear for two months.
  • ~Hashkar -3307 - Minotaurs, dwarves, tinker gnomes, and kender appear on Krynn as a side effect of the divine Graygem artifact.
  • Hashkar -3258 - The Ghoresh Chasm forms in the Grey Waste, displacing a yugoloth citadel.
  • Hashkar -3171 - First battle of Magh Tuireadh in Tir Na Nog
  • Hashkar -3155 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -3144 - Second battle of Magh Tuireadh
  • ~Hashkar -3000 - The Olman gods first discover the Prime realm of Oerth and the Olman people.
  • Hashkar -2965 - The beginning of the Great Illithid Wars, an attempt by the illithid to regain their former dominance in the Prime by striking at the then-dominant power of the Prime, the Thri-Kreen Empire.
  • Hashkar -2890 - The Great Illithid Wars end with the destruction of Ji-Trinan, capital world of the Thri-Kreen Empire, via a portal to the plane of Negative Energy and, within months, the devestation of the surface of Sri-Knna, the thri-kreen homeworld, to the point of inhabitability.
  • Hashkar -2873 - The blinks reappear for two months. The mercurial brothers Lathuraz and Zarulaz emerge through the Fourth Door, the only recorded time any has used that portal in either direction since the death of Aoskar. Lathuraz proceeds to rampage through the planes for the next 500 years, dominating those he referred to as "lesser beings" across the entire multiverse, taking Sigil as his base of operations. Zarulaz attempts to stop Lathuraz's actions, but Lathuraz evades him over the course of the next centuries. Zarulaz begins gathering allies and objects that could help stop or banish Lathuraz.
  • Hashkar -2866 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -2787 - The growth of the new Illithid Empire on the Prime is halted by the forces of the beholders, who fight the illithid to a standstill; after destroying their greatest fleet, the beholders briefly unseat them as the dominant spacefaring race, only to crumble to inevitable civil wars within the decade.
  • Hashkar -2577 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -2373 - The blinks reappear for two months. Zarulaz is disabled and thrown through the Second Door by Lathuraz, but his allies manage to imprison Lathuraz beyond the Third Door.
  • Hashkar -2288 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -2120 - The Athasian defiler Qwith first begins investigating the Inner Planes as a potential source of power.
  • ~Hashkar -2000 - Titanomachy
  • Hashkar -1999 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • ~Hashkar -1975 - Malcanthet, a survivor of the War of Ripe Flesh, takes the title of Queen of the Succubi, after having worked since the end of the War against the only figures that could contend for the title, the other three survivors: Shami-Amourae, Xinivrae, and Lynkhab.
  • Hashkar -1873 - The blinks reappear for two months.
  • Hashkar -1710 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -1581 - Karsus' Folly: The Torilian mage Karsus casts Karsus' Avatar, the most powerful spell in recorded history, temporarily stealing the portfolio of magic from the god Mystryl, and disrupting all magic on Toril for a short time as a result. This results in widespread disaster and millions of deaths due to the numerous floating cities now crashing to the ground. Mystryl sacrifices himself to save magic on Toril, reincarnating as the first Mystra, and proceeds to change the rules of magic within Realmspace to render it and all spells like it uncastable in the future.
  • Hashkar -1421 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar -1373 - The blinks reappear for two months.
  • ~Hashkar -1200 - Queen Vlaakith CLVI is slain. Vlaakith CLVII is crowned as the next leader of the githyanki.
  • ~Hashkar -1200 - The keepers are created or summoned, possibly by an unknown wizard of Sigil.
  • Hashkar -1132 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • The Occluded Empire of Vecna runs across a wide swath of the Prime realm of Oerth. At some time during this period, Vecna pens the Codex of the Infinite Planes.
  • Hashkar -1061 - The reappearance of the Neogi, a former client race of the Syllix. In the coming centuries they stake their claim as a prominent slave-trading race both on the Prime and the planes.
  • Hashkar -1023 - Various psionicist-kings on Athas combine their powers to seal its crystal sphere and lock out connections to the Astral and Ethereal, to prevent any of their enemies from having any chance of escape, cutting it off from most of the multiverse in the process.
  • Skall founds the Dustmen.
  • Red Shroud, one of many daughters of Malcanthet and Pazuzu, is born.
  • Hashkar -885 - The formation of the militia groups that would later become the Imperial Elven Navy by the elves of Evermeet on Toril; a stabilizing, if somewhat hard-nosed, force on the Prime that still keeps order to this day.
  • Hashkar -882 - Twin Cataclysms: Two massive arcane strikes, the Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colorless Fire, occur on the Prime realm of Oerth, ending a war between two of that world's major empires in mutual annihilation.
  • ~Hashkar -875 - 12 factols appeal to the Lady of Pain at the current location of the Twelve Factols inn about halting the slow Sigilian take-over of the Expansionist faction. In response, the Lady mazes their factol, Vartus Timlin, and bars the Expansionists from the city. This faction dissolves soon after.
  • ~Hashkar -875 - The Bleak Cabal is founded.
  • Hashkar -873 - The blinks reappear for two months. The portal chronicler Triand studies the four portals, attempting to discover their keys; though he's able to determine the key to the Third, the others elude him.
  • ~Hashkar -860 - Something happens upon the Forgotten Land that brings it to its current memory-sapping state.
  • Hashkar -856 - The Fraternity of Order is founded.
  • ~Hashkar -850 - Vlaakith CLVII becomes queen of the githyanki.
  • Hashkar -843 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • ~Hashkar -775 - The Planewalker's Guild is founded in Sigil, taking advantage of its position as a hub of multiversal travel.
  • The Athar are formed from the meeting of Dunn and Ciro at the site of the Shattered Temple relatively soon after the death of Aoskar.
  • The faction known today as the Believers of the Source is founded.
  • The Sign of One is founded.
  • The Transcendent Order is founded.
  • Hashkar -665 - Vlaakith CLVII becomes a lich
  • Hashkar -575 - The Society of Sensation is first formed, as a loose organization at this time rather than a faction.
  • Hashkar -573 - The Society of Sensation purchases and clears a large lot in the Clerk's Ward to begin work on what will become the Civic Festhall, drawing from all the planes and a thousand Prime worlds to choose the most aesthetically perfect materials for its construction.
  • ~Hashkar -570 - The earliest known reference to what may be the modern day Revolutionary League.
  • The slow rise of law in Sigil is counterbalanced once more; this time by a new flow of visitors, travelers, and tourists into Sigil, encouraged to no small degree by the Sensates and their regular performances and shows at the still-being-constructed Civic Festhall. With the sudden influx of beings from across the multiverse, they bring with them a number of various philosophies of existence, life, and the like, philosophies that oft conflicted with both one another and those held by the city's small group of existing factions. This quickly leads to the now-infamous 10 year Public Debates, where the growing numbers of factions confronted one another in the arena of the Hall of Speakers in manners both pleasant and not.
  • Hashkar -554 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • ~Hashkar -520 - A band of Torilian adventurers, with aid from Demogorgon, Graz'zt, and Bahamut: slay the aspect of Baphomet imprisoned and geased by XXXXXX in his fortress; kill Glpyhimhor, lieutenant of XXXXXX; steal the wand of XXXXXX from his very throne room; kill in her lair the aspect of Tiamat herself; and use her blood to destroy the Wand of XXXXXX. It takes a full 99 years for Baphomet to re-emerge in his maze and Tiamat to return to her full power, while the recreation of the wand by XXXXXX takes centuries. Thus a number of strong, if temporary, blows are struck against the Lower Planes. As a result, wariness over the world of Toril begins to spread amongst the planar community, and some of the best touts begin advising that any would-be Prime travelers just stay away from that world entirely. (Rumor has it that in the process, these adventures even slew the tarrasque, but such a claim is thought by most historians to just slightly edge the entire lot into the point of ridiculousness. Most planars already find the entire set of accomplishments hard enough to believe.)
  • The growing interest in and influence of the factions embroils the entire city of Sigil, outsiders and natives alike; chaos reigns on the streets as the occasionally heated debates turn violent increasingly often, even within the Lady's Ward. Though factions had existed in Sigil for centuries before this, this is most commonly considered the beginning of the kriegstanz.
  • Hashkar -503 - Great Upheaval: Sigil's over four dozen factions are restricted by order of the Lady of Pain to 15.
    • The loose organization of the Sinkers evolves into the Doomguard.
    • The Mercykillers are formed from the merger of the Sons of Mercy and the Sodkillers.
    • The Society of Sensation coalesces into a true faction.
    • The Athar temporarily depart the city of Sigil for a complex at the foot of the Spire.
    • The shakeup caused by the Upheaval inflates the membership of the Indeps to almost one million.
  • Hashkar -477 - Construction finally completes on the Civic Festhall.
  • ~Hashkar -470 - A plague strikes the Indeps, reducing its membership from its tremendous heights down to a mere 20,000. The plague then vanishes, leading some to develop theories of a conspiracy against the Free League.
  • The Fraternity of Order cedes the duty of law enforcement in Sigil to the Doomguard and Mercykillers, deciding to instead handle judicial matters only.
  • ~Hashkar -400 - Due to increasing numbers of fair-weather namers amongst the factions, they agree to enforce a strict requirement amongst their ranks of single-faction membership only, with members of one faction not allowed membership in any other Sigilian faction, guild, or sect. Due to the by-now tremendous influence of the factions in Sigil, this has the side effect of depressing the memberships of many of Sigil's guilds to the point of near-nonexistence.
  • ~Hashkar -375 - The Planewalker's Guild departs Sigil as a consequence of its dwindling membership and influence thanks to competition from the factions, hoping that by no longer being a Sigilian guild, it can recover from its current nadir. Selling off its holdings and collections, the Guild becomes an itinerant organization, keeping no halls and few safe houses.
  • Hashkar -373 - The blinks reappear for two months.
  • ~Hashkar -370 - The Bleak Cabal take over the Bedlam Blight asylum, renaming it the Gatehouse.
  • Hashkar -360 - The Harmonium are founded on the prime world of Ortho.
  • Hashkar -275 - The first recorded appearance of the Demiplane of Dread, as it takes Strahd von Zarovich into its mists.
  • Hashkar -265 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • ~Hashkar -260 - The Harmonium take over Ortho and begin to solidify control under a one-world government.
  • Hashkar -258 - The first death knights are created, as a result of a pact between Demogorgon and a group of Oerthian paladins.
  • ~Hashkar -220 - XXXXXX is slain by Kiaransalee. She proceeds to wipe all mention of his name from all records throughout the multiverse, and has two of her servants hide his wand in the depths of Pandemonium.
  • Hashkar -174 - A Harmonium army nearly a million strong marches on the Caverns of the Skull Goddess in what is known on Ortho as the War of Iron, as the organization's first actions on the planes. It fails utterly, wiped out but for a single survivor who manages to escape to Sigil; the organization's first discovery of that city.
  • Hashkar -168 - The Revolutionary League murders the factol of the Mercykillers, spawning a war that eventually embroils a full dozen factions, and resulting in the dissolution of the Incanterium, the Zactar, and the Ochlocrats. The Harmonium, having been waiting for such an opportunity, move into Sigil, quickly filling one of these new-found gaps to become one of the city's 15 factions. The Athar take this chance to return as well, once more taking possession of the Shattered Temple from the vagrants and barmies that had been calling kip there.
  • Hashkar -168 - The Harmonium attempt to take over the task of city guard for the city from the Doomguard. War breaks out between the two factions; the Doomguard invade and take the Armory, and the Harmonium begin a siege that continues for months.
  • Hashkar -167 - Enraged by the philosophy of the Athar, a factor of the Harmonium redirects patrols to assault the Shattered Temple. The factor is mazed, but the faction still institutes discrete guerrilla strikes against the faction for some time.
  • Hashkar -166 - The Hall of Speakers finally acts to stop the continued warfare of the Harmonium against both the Doomguard and the Athar, threatening to revoke the faction status of both the Harmonium and the Doomguard. The Doomguard are forced to sign a blood pact swearing to never again instigate war in Sigil. The Harmonium are given the duty of city guard, with the Doomguard taking the new duty of creating and distributing weapons for the factions. The Harmonium proceeds to move its fight against the Athar to the arena of political debate, bringing the Mercykillers and the Fated on their side against the Athar.
  • Hashkar -97 - Revorus first reports the discovery of the fundamental, if very inaccurately. The Inner Planar scholarly community is sent into an uproar.
  • Hashkar -82 - Zamik Feron of the Doomguard falsely debunks the existence of the fundamental, claiming no such being exists.
  • Hashkar -77 - Feron's debunking is itself debunked, as Rel Emandhun reports, among other things, the sight of a flock of dozens if not hundreds of fundamentals flying in perfect concert in his book A Long Way Down.
  • Hashkar -75 - The city of Broken Reach is constructed by the succubus Red Shroud over the remains of the most recent Plague-Mort to pass into the Abyss.
  • Hashkar -40 - Zagig Yragerne becomes the demigod Zagyg.
  • Hashkar -37 - The Rock of Bral first established in Greyspace.
  • ~Hashkar -20 - The first reference to the Xaositects under their current name, though references to near-identical factions under other names (including the above-mentioned Ochlocrats) can be found dating back centuries.
  • Days of Xaos: The Sensates throw a massive party for the newly-formed Xaositects, as a show of welcome to the city. With over a thousand Xaositects in one place, and with the encouragement of a few Anarchists, perhaps the biggest riot in the history of the planes hits Sigil. The riot quickly swells over the next day as the Doomguard, the Bleak Cabal, and a number of Indeps join in, despite all attempts of the Harmonium, the Mercykillers, the Guvners, and even the Ciphers to quell it. Oddly enough, no intervention by the Lady of Pain was recorded, likely thanks to the lack of any leaders to Maze and little impetuous to slaughter them all. The riot continues for the course of a week before finally petering out; by the end of the riot, the City Court had burned for hours before being quenched, the Hall of Records had nearly collapsed, a fire had swept through the Hive Ward, and thousands are recorded as having died.
  • Hashkar 1 - Hashkar becomes factol of the Fraternity of Order, replacing Factol Lariset the Inescapable following her mysterious disappearance.
  • Hashkar 1 - The cambion and future demigod Iuz is born to Graz'zt and Iggwilv, later renown as one of the most powerful and knowledgeable demonologists across the planes.
  • Hashkar 24 - A few Xaositects manage to assassinate the factol of the Harmonium by hitting him in the head with an hourglass.
  • ~Hashkar 25 - The Planewalker's Guild makes a settlement on the Infinite Staircase and takes it as a new base of operations, though it still keeps many of the trappings of the nomadic existence it's held the last few centuries.
  • Hashkar 25 - The modrons proceed on their march around the planes.
  • Hashkar 27 - The Modron March returns to Mechanus.
  • ~Hashkar 50 - Athux is born to Graz'zt and Eclavdra.
  • ~Hashkar 65 - Rechvad's Persona Lavisicum opens in the Guildhall Ward of Sigil.
  • Hashkar 70 - Duke Rowan Darkwood is born in the kingdom of Furyondy on Oerth.
  • Hashkar 76 - The Revolutionary League places a covert operative, Omar, in the ranks of the Harmonium.
  • Hashkar 77 - Omar reaches the eventual level of Factol, discovered and arrested only when he attempted to order the dissolution of the faction. Within a matter of weeks, he is executed.
  • Hashkar 88 - Eladi is elected factol of the Sensates.
  • Hashkar 91 - Justicar Votohm is chosen as factol of the Mercykillers.
  • Hashkar 93 - Pentar is born in the gate-town of saoX.
  • Hashkar 94 - Erin Darkflame Montgomery is born in the village of Grim's Head in Tir na Og.
  • Hashkar 104 - Montgomery becomes a novitiate to Diancecht.
  • Hashkar 104 - Factol Votohm dies under mysterious circumstances; the minor cult known as the Eschaton attribute this to the event they call the "First Eschaton". Justicar Mallin is chosen to replace him.
  • ~Hashkar 105 - Sarin arrives in Sigil from Ortho.
  • ~Hashkar 105 - A group of Xaositects hit a number of manor courtyards in the Lady's Ward; some are left as ragged ground, others as beautiful rock gardens.
  • The Xaositects paint the Armory pink.
  • Hashkar 106 - Tallam, Doomlord of Ash, is elected Factol of the Doomguard.
  • Hashkar 107 - Captain Za'rafas, the prized strategist of a powerful Abyssal Lord, hires Toddy to strike against Mason, a wanderer with the ability to possibly stop his planned Blood War raid against a number of villages in Tir na Og thought to be sending resources to the Baatezu. Toddy refuses the assignment on the advice of Darius the Veyl of Welbey, and Mason leads a contingent of the Outlands villagers, including then-Priestess Erin Montgomery, against the raiders. The strike was much less vicious than it could have been, but a number of hamlets were destroyed, including Welbey, and though Diancecht's teachings demand healing both friend and foe, Montgomery had no spells left upon reaching the raiders. Blaming Montgomery for his death, Za'rafas's patron sends a number of assassins after her over the coming years.
  • Hashkar 108 - Alisohn Nilesia is born in the Prison.
  • A series of Clueless murders hit the Hive Ward, as a result of a few Xaositects upset at their stupidity.
  • Hashkar 111 - The Sleeping Sisters, a chain of mountains in Ossa, erupt for the first time in centuries; 36 die as a result. The resulting carnage is Pentar's first inspiration towards entropy.
  • Hashkar 111 - Montgomery finally leaves Grim's Head after an especially vicious attack, hoping to spare the village from the continuous tanar'ri strikes.
  • Hashkar 113 - A collection of adventurers on Oerth, including Rowan Darkwood, stop a scheme of Lolth that would have conquered a portion of the lands above the surface via a number of giant tribes.
  • Hashkar 115 - Darkwood is taken into Baator in exchange for his childrens' protection.
  • Hashkar 115 - The Xaositects arrange an alliance with every single faction simultaneously; the alliance lasts about a half hour before the factions discover what happened.
  • Hashkar 115 - Montgomery frees Cuatha Da'nanin from the Pax Imperica and flees to Sigil.
  • Hashkar 116 - Montgomery and Da'nanin join the Sensates.
  • Hashkar 116 - Time of Troubles: Due to widespread divine negligence, the overpower Ao forces all deities within Realmspace to walk the surface of Toril for one year as mortal avatars. Many deific deaths (or, for multisphere deities, exiles) result, as do a small number of new deific ascensions.
  • Hashkar 116 - Nilesia tries to join the Mercykillers at age 8, but is refused by Factol Mallin.
  • Hashkar 116 - Baphomet is captured by Graz'zt. He is released after a year of captivity.
  • Hashkar 119 - Nilesia is finally allowed to join the Mercykillers.
  • The tanar'ri, working alongside the Doomguard, work to create the first Ships of Chaos.
  • Hashkar 121 - Montgomery is elected factol after the death of Factol Eladi.
  • Hashkar 122 - Pentar, Doomlord of Dust, is elected factol of the Doomguard after Factol Tallam dies in a slave riot of his own causing.
  • Hashkar 123 - The goddess Lliira announces to the faithful of Waukeen via prophets that she holds Waukeen's power in regency and will grant their spells and answer their prayers until the reappearance of Waukeen.
  • Hashkar 124 - Darkwood is released from Baator.
  • Hashkar 126 - Darkwood arrives in Sigil. He quickly maneuvers to replace Emma Oakwright as factol of the Fated.
  • Hashkar 126 - A Plague-Mort scheme to infiltrate the factions of Sigil is uncovered by a group of adventurers and overturned.
  • Hashkar 126 - Factol Mallin dies. The young Justicar Nilesia is chosen as his replacement.
  • Hashkar 126 - Capricious 21: A group of Xaositects paint a mural on the side of the Great Gymnasium; many consider it one of the most beautiful pieces of art on the planes.
  • Hashkar 127 - Narciss 19: The modrons begin their march unexpectedly early, flowing out of Automata and starting their procession around the Great Ring.
  • Hashkar 127 - Savorus 10: The Factol's Manifesto is published in Sigil, assembled by an unknown editor.
  • Hashkar 127 - Savorus 26: Massacre of Bloodgem Park
  • Hashkar 127 - Catechism 17: The ceremony of the Ascension at Fortitude succeeds thanks to the intervention of the inquisitor Trasal Regima, Lady Tiana Siderel, an unknown celestial presence, and their companions.
