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Rune of Abyss
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Number of layers Unknown
Associated Faction None
Gate-Town Plague-Mort
Inhabitants of Abyss

Physical Conditions

Given how widely each layer of the Abyss varies, there is no single rule to describe the physical conditions of this plane. However, there is a general rule any traveler to the Abyss should be aware of. When exploring this plane, always keep three priorities at the forefront of your mind: survive the layer's terrain and climate, avoid being eaten, and find enough untainted rations to keep from starving.

Beyond this, all a basher should know is that if they can imagine a form of inhospitableness, it exists somewhere on the Abyss. From areas so filled with beings that the mere pressure can crush you alive to endless oceans of acid to forests of trees that attempt to eat you alive to layers that eat at your very personality and twist you to evil, if it's a horror someone somewhere has imagined, it's likely to be found somewhere within this plane.

Magical Conditions

Abjuration No change
Alteration Whenever an alteration spell is attempted, the recipient must make a saving throw vs. spell. If this save succeeds, the spell works as normal; if it fails, the alteration is distorted in some manner as detailed below.
Conjuration/Summoning Any conjuration spell has a chance of calling a curious tanar'ri rather than the intended result equal to 10% per level of the spell.
Divination True tanar'ri and Abyssal lords are always aware of any divination spell cast against them when on their home plane, and can use the spell to strike back at the caster; clairaudience might be used to issue a sonic attack, for example, or clairvoyance could grant a visual counter. Detect magic is the sole exception, allowing any sort of counterattack. There is a limit to how much can be sent back along the path of the spell, however. Only up to twice the level of the divination spell in total spell levels can be sent to the mage.

ESP is a special case as well; a mage casting an ESP spell upon a true tanar'ri on the Abyss must make a saving throw vs. death magic. A success only causes feeblemindedness for 2-12 hours, while a failure drives the mage mad until treated with a heal, restoration, limited wish, or other more powerful cure. A mage so afflicted can still cast spells, but loses spell levels permanently based on the caste of the tanar'ri target: a least causes the loss of one, a lesser two, a greater three, a true four, and an Abyssal lord eight.

Enchantment/Charm No change
Illusion/Phantasm Illusion spells cast in the Abyss operate as if the caster was one level higher.
Invocation/Evocation No change
Necromancy Animate dead works, but the undead created by this spell on the Abyss can be possessed by petitioners, manes, or other lesser creatures, which often results in the undead turning on the caster. Reincarnation on the Abyss always results in the individual returning as a tanar'ri; usually a dretch or manes, but rarely a rutterkin or lesser tanar'ri. Good-aligned people return as bodaks.
Wild Magic Wild magic spells cast in the Abyss operate as if the caster was one level higher. In addition, when a wild surge occurs, two separate wild surge results must be rolled; the worse of the two surges occurs.
Elemental Protective spells usually fail when they are needed most; upon any attack or exposure to harmful environment an elemental protective spell is meant to defend against, the caster or recipient must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon to determine if the spell or item functions properly. Destructive elemental spells are enhanced, causing an additional point of damage per die.

The most dangerous aspect of arcane magic on the Abyss is attraction from the demons that fill it. Tanar'ri have no great love for mages, given how often they attempt to summon and bind their kind to the Prime. Thus, any signs of a powerful one on the Abyss are likely to bring quick and decisive retribution. True tanar'ri and Abyssal lords can sense any usage of magic on their layer, and often twist the magical paths to strike back upon their casters; while spells that effect only the caster and her friends are likely to avoid retaliation, spells that directly affect a tanar'ri without causing actual harm may bring a headache, ones which cause harm to lesser tanar'ri might bring a sudden bout of leprosy or a plague of manes, and spells striking against greater or true tanar'ri will almost certainly bring a direct response from the plane's lord. Certain spells are also more likely to bring retribution than others; spells of binding or coercing demons are the most likely, followed by offensive spells, defensive or warding spells, and finally spells that trick or inform are the least likely.

Alteration spells are especially affected by the chaotic nature of the Abyss. The most minor of changes, those that cause minor changes in properties but none in form, cause only slight corruptions; dancing lights conjuring several glowing bats, for example, or a flying character sprouting wings from the neck or ankles. Those that cause massive changes in properties without altering form are more distorted, creating unintended though temporary side effects. Affect normal fires might create a splash of lava, while control weather might bring about a sudden storm of acid rain around the caster. The worst corruptions come from those that alter physical form. Living recipients may change race or species towards a more corrupted nature - humans becoming tieflings, for example, or elves becoming drow - while nonliving recipients become foul and useless. Side effects are often more lethal as well, and may affect more than just the caster. Stoneskin might petrify the caster, while claws of the umber hulk might become permanent. See list of Abyssal spell alterations for a full list of which spells fall under which category.

Spell Keys

Spell keys in the Abyss most often involve blood or money, in the form of bribes to a layer's lord. Necromancy spells might require a death, elemental spells a fouling of some pure material, and alterations a mingling of the caster's and recipient's blood. The keys for a given type of spell often change by layer or simply over time, however, as befits the chaotic nature of the Abyss. The keys for Divination spells are the most well-kept secret of them all, as no tanar'ri likes the idea of being spied upon.

Power Keys

Power keys are very rarely dispensed by any powers or Abyssal lords, as few that dwell in the Abyss would trust even their own servants enough with a portion of their own power. When they are granted, they most often take the form of amulets made of small shrunken skulls, in the case of Abyssal lords, or creations that resemble a given god's unholy symbol. In both cases, the keys rarely function outside the realm of the one gifting it, unless given for a specific mission; even then, they will only function when used in pursuit of that goal, and will cease to work once the goal is accomplished.


See Layers of the Abyss.



  • On Hallowed Ground, pp. 172-182
  • Planes of Chaos: Book of Chaos, pp. 12-33