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==See Also==
==See Also==
* [[Cant]]
* [[Cant]]
* [[Tir]]

* {{cite|Faces of Evil - The Fiends|pgs.35,55,77}}
* {{cite|Faces of Evil - The Fiends|pgs.35,55,77}}
* {{cite|In the Cage|pg.58}}
* {{cite|In the Cage|pg.58}}

Revision as of 20:28, 26 January 2011

As could be expected, there are a wide variety of languages spoken on the planes. While planar trade, or "common", can be found just about anywhere, for most races it is learned only as a second or third language.

Amongst the mortal languages, classification is a surprisingly complicated affair. Contrary to the expectations of many prime worlds, mortal languages such as elven or dwarven have evolved independently throughout the Material Plane in such a way as to be quite similar to one another even across different worlds. Whether due to the influence of deities wishing their followers to be mutually intelligible across the Prime, influence from extraplanar beings, or simply cosmic coincidence, these languages have taken often-differing paths to reach the same destination; thus, classifying them into families across multiple worlds is fairly frustrating for those attempting the task - most often, such classification is done according to the planar history of the language. The planar languages are thankfully spared this problem; furthermore, the long (and often limitless) lifespans of planar races greatly slows the rate of change in languages, allowing even mortals a good glimpse at the inter-relations between dialects hundreds of millennia old.

The below list is separated into the known major language families, and subdivided into lines of descent as recorded and derived by linguists amongst the Fraternity of Order and Society of Sensation. Names are officially recognized translations into Planar Trade, with common names following where necessary.

As the plane of Air is the most populated of all the Inner Planes, Auran tends to serve as something of a trade tongue itself amongst the Inner Planes. Even the planes of Earth occasionally find it used for such a task, though quite rarely, and never within earshot of the dao.
For a variety of reasons, Draconic has essentially become the erstwhile language of the arcane research community. Study and research into arcanism is performed in Draconic even more so than Common.
Least Baatorian
This caste of Baatorian is spoken as a primary dialect only by the spinagons. It is a simple language, used to convey basic commands and concepts. Usage of Least Baatorian is considered an insult and mockery to the one being spoken to, implying you consider them of low intelligence and no subtlety. In use, it's a harsh, barking tone, having evolved largely for shouting commands across a battlefield.
Lesser Baatorian (Infernal)
This dialect is the one known by outsiders as the baatezu tongue. While more pleasing to the ear than Least Baatorian, it still has a sharp, commanding tone to it. This caste of the language is the first to hold the noted complexity of the language, with double-meaning, innuendo, and even wordplay innate fixtures amongst this and all higher castes. All contracts with non-baatezu are required by baatezu law to be written in Lesser Baatorian.
Somewhat beyond the capability of most mortals to learn, Malbaogni, or "Formal Baatorian", is a multi-layered language relying on the ability of the baatezu (and other lawful races) to see and predict patterns in order to communicate meaning. Speech in Formal Baatorian is even more layered than that of Infernal, and deriving the natural flow of conversation's logical end is almost required to understand even the smallest bits of this dialect. A skilled baatezu can carry on an entire conversation from nothing but the beginnings of sentences, predicting the endings based on nothing but his knowledge of his "opponent". A Formal Baatorian exchange is oft compared to an odd mixture of song and contract, melodic yet rigid.
Courtly Baatorian
Almost knowingly ridiculous, Courtly Baatorian is used only by the pit fiends and other baatezu nobles. Taking Formal Baatorian to its logical extreme, Courtly Baatorian is used more to challenge one another than for any true communication between baatezu. With the specificity of a full legal arrangement in every sentence, it is nearly impossible to hold traditional conversation in any mortal sense in this caste. Courtly Baatorian is so elaborate that its written form is in fact the origin of the runic inscriptions first used to form summoning and binding circles; the lines of symbols not words of power, but simply an explicitly well-formed argument as to why the baatezu in question should remain within. Even amongst the highest levels of baatezu, Courtly Baatorian is rarely actually used but for the most formal occasions.
Though in the same family as Baatorian, Yugoloth is believed to have split from that language at least 500 millennia ago; while the yugoloths maintain it was originally their language, even if this is true, the more flexible nature of the yugoloths somewhat guaranteed its drift from Baatorian. However, it is still largely mutually intelligible with Baatorian, and of course it still holds many of the same characteristics. Most prominently, the multifaceted layers of communication, though unlike their use in that language, in Yugoloth they are most commonly used to disguise intent from outsiders. Different castes apply different twists of meaning and interpretation, meaning even though the language is largely the same over the entire race, the same utterance from a mezzoloth and a yagnoloth can mean two (or more likely, five or six) entirely different things. No mortal has ever mastered Yugoloth at a level above that of a nycaloth, and it's unlikely any ever will.
Planar Trade (Common)
Tanar'ric (Abyssal)
Commonly believed to have originally descended from the language of the osyluth, Tanar'ric is spoken differently by every caste of tanar'ri (when it's spoken at all), a strange language with a syntax that varies without rhyme or reason. Every speaker tends to put their own certain style on the way they speak, and somehow it usually works out intelligibly after enough practice in the language. It's been noted that something about the language especially lends itself to new coinings, with the meaning of an entirely invented word oft-times obvious even when the inventor created it from whole-cloth with no connection to past vocabulary. Some suspect this is due to some underlying structure that's simply yet to be discovered, others claim it's an expression of the chaotic nature of the tanar'ri.

See Also


  • Faces of Evil - The Fiends, pgs.35,55,77
  • In the Cage, pg.58